Gain a roadmap of opportunities, challenges, and transformative moments. Let the synergy of Tarot and Vedic Astrology illuminate the path to success, love, and self-discovery.

This unique spread combines the wisdom of tarot with the astrological significance of your birth chart for the next 12 months.

Unlocking Clarity: 13 cards

Your first card reveals the main theme and energy for the year ahead, giving you a clear understanding of the major influences and lessons in store for you.

The next 12 cards correspond to the houses in your birth chart and the upcoming 12 months, providing insights into various aspects of your life, such as

  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Spirituality
  • Personal growth.

What is the difference between a Yearly Foresight and a regular tarot reading?

A Yearly Foresight reading offers a comprehensive, big-picture view of the upcoming 12 months by combining the wisdom of Tarot with the astrological insights of your birth chart. It explores the 12 houses of your chart, revealing themes, opportunities, and challenges in various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth.

In contrast, our regular Tarot readings can focus more on addressing specific concerns or questions you have at the moment. These readings provide targeted insights and guidance on current situations, helping you gain clarity and navigate challenges in the present.

While our regular Tarot readings offer valuable guidance for specific issues, a Yearly Foresight reading provides a broader, long-term perspective, empowering you to make informed decisions, seize opportunities, and navigate the year ahead with greater awareness and purpose. 

How long does a Yearly Foresight reading take?

The duration of a Yearly Foresight reading may vary depending on the reader and the level of detail provided. Typically, you can expect the session to last between 60 to 90 minutes.

What do the 12 Houses represent?

The 12 houses in Vedic Astrology represent different areas of life:

  1. 1st House: Self, identity, appearance, and personal traits
  2. 2nd House: Money, possessions, values, and self-worth
  3. 3rd House: Communication, learning, short trips, and siblings
  4. 4th House: Home, family, roots, and emotional foundation
  5. 5th House: Creativity, romance, children, and self-expression
  6. 6th House: Health, daily routines, work, and service
  7. 7th House: Partnerships, marriage, contracts, and open enemies
  8. 8th House: Transformation, shared resources, intimacy, and rebirth
  9. 9th House: Philosophy, higher education, travel, and spirituality
  10. 10th House: Career, public reputation, status, and authority
  11. 11th House: Friends, groups, hopes, and aspirations
  12. 12th House: Subconscious, intuition, hidden aspects, and Spirituality

Each house represents a specific area of life where the energies of the planets and signs manifest.

Can I get a Yearly Foresight reading at any time of the year?

While Yearly Foresight readings are often sought around the beginning of a new year, you can schedule a reading at any time. The insights provided will cover the next 12 months from the date of your reading.

What should I expect during a Yearly Foresight reading?

During a Yearly Foresight reading, your reader will use a combination of Tarot cards and Vedic Astrological knowledge to provide you with a detailed analysis of the energies and influences present in each of the 12 houses. They will offer guidance and insights to help you make the most of the opportunities and navigate any challenges that may arise.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel. Proin augue tortor, condimentum id sapien a, tempus venenatis massa. Aliquam egestas eget diam sed sagittis. Vivamus consectetur purus vel felis molestie sollicitudin. Vivamus sit amet enim nisl. Cras vitae varius metus, a hendrerit ex. Sed in mi dolor. Proin pretium nibh non volutpat efficitur.


Absolutely! Tyas is open to being the tarot reader at your special event. Please reach out directly to Tyas for more information and discussion. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel. Proin augue tortor, condimentum id sapien a, tempus venenatis massa. Aliquam egestas eget diam sed sagittis. Vivamus consectetur purus vel felis molestie sollicitudin. Vivamus sit amet enim nisl. Cras vitae varius metus, a hendrerit ex. Sed in mi dolor. Proin pretium nibh non volutpat efficitur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet. Nullam erat ipsum, mattis nec mollis ac, accumsan a enim. Nunc at euismod arcu. Aliquam ullamcorper eros justo, vel mollis neque facilisis vel. Proin augue tortor, condimentum id sapien a, tempus venenatis massa. Aliquam egestas eget diam sed sagittis. Vivamus consectetur purus vel felis molestie sollicitudin. Vivamus sit amet enim nisl. Cras vitae varius metus, a hendrerit ex. Sed in mi dolor. Proin pretium nibh non volutpat efficitur.
"Tyas's tarot readings are nothing short of magical. Her insights are always spot-on and have given me so much clarity during uncertain times. She's helped me understand my journey better, and I always leave our sessions feeling uplifted and empowered. Highly recommend her!"
"I was skeptical about tarot readings, but Tyas changed my perspective entirely. Her readings are deeply insightful and have provided me with guidance that I couldn't find elsewhere. Tyas is incredibly intuitive and her gentle approach makes every session a transformative experience."
"Tyas's tarot readings have been a game-changer for me. Her ability to read and interpret the cards with such precision is amazing. Every session with her brings new understanding and perspective. She has a true gift, and I am so grateful for her guidance."
"Tarot reading with Tyas is like listening to a very poetic story. She creates a peaceful and grounded environment, with nothing eerie or dark happening. As she opens the cards, the cards speak to me, articulating my inner wisdom. I always have a delightful session with her."

Discover a path to self-discovery, clarity, and foresight with your Monthly or Yearly Tarot and Vedic Astrology Spread.

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