Traditional Hatha Yoga

Embark on a transformative Hatha Yoga journey at Ayutyas, where the traditional practice is elevated beyond mere physical conditioning to the realm of self-excellence and profound life change. We offer a pathway tailored to your unique journey, ensuring a holistic experience.

We offer personalized sessions available both online and amidst the tranquil nature of Ubud, Bali.

Discover the Essence of Hatha Yoga

At Ayutyas, we practice the traditional Hatha Yoga that focuses on the goal of self-excellence rather than only bodily flexibility and strength. The practice of Hatha Yoga consists of asana (posture), pranayama (breathing exercise), and meditation.

Holistic Well-being Professional Guidance Flexible Session Formats Available on location*

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga, originating from the Sanskrit words "ha" (sun) and "tha" (moon), symbolizes the union of opposites. This traditional form of yoga focuses on achieving balanced energy within the body and mind. Through a series of practice progressions, Hatha Yoga aims to create harmony, promoting physical strength, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening.

What are the Goal with Hatha Yoga?

The self-excellence as the goal of traditional hatha yoga is accomplished through a practice that aims towards energy management. In order to manage our energy, the practice of hatha yoga has a progression, starting from calming the mind through Moon practice as the basic foundation, progressing to Sun practice that aims to activate and cultivate the dormant energy in the body and sealed by the Fire practice aiming to keep the balance between a calm mind and a stabilized energy. Through that balance, self-excellence starts to occur, bringing an immense change in life.

What are the Effects of Hatha Yoga?

Committed to Hatha Yoga practice can bring a profound change in your life. That change begins with feeling calm in the mind, brings stability at the emotional and physical level. Once you attain calmness and stability as your foundation, you begin to unlock uplifting energy in your body that supports you daily.   From there,  mindfulness is cultivated, helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Private Hatha Yoga Classes

Our experienced teachers will guide you through the traditional practice of Hatha Yoga, tailoring each session to your individual needs and goals.

On Location

Are you looking for a Hatha Yoga teacher for your business or event? Get in contact with us to explore the possibilities, and we'll create a tailor-made offer to suit your specific requirements. Whether you're planning a corporate wellness program, a retreat, or a special celebration, our experienced teachers will bring the transformative power of Hatha Yoga directly to your location.

"I have never been much a yoga person and only started exploring it consistently this year. I first came across Tyas during one of her love & kindness meditation yoga session and I’ve been hooked ever since! I come out of that class like a brand new woman, every single time. I also started going to the Hatha Flow classes and have been seeing progress with my flexibility. Tyas is a patient, dedicated yoga teacher and her voice is super calming. Thank you for making yoga an integral part of my life now 💗"
"When I first started Yoga with Tyas I knew nothing about Yoga or stretching and I was having some serious back problems and issues with mobility especially after working out at the gym. Tyas was able to take things really slow at the beginning but also keep things challenging. She knew the perfect balance in order to help me improve but not overwhelm me. The most amazing thing about Tyas is her personality. Tyas, was able to instill the confidence in me that I can do something that I thought I could never do. I know it sounds silly but I never thought I could do Yoga and after my lessons with her I knew it was a practice that I would need in my life forever."
"Tyas is a really nice teacher. When we’re doing yoga, she corrected my position to the right pose so it would be efficient. She is also clear in giving intructions. Her voice also calming me down. As a dancer and a rollerskater, Tyas helped me so much in yoga that benefits me in my flexibility. As a doctor, I would say that she really knows how to do it right anatomically and physiologically."
"At first I didn't know what Yoga was. All i can say about Ayutyas is, it helped me heal and clear my vision about what happened in myself. Tyas is amazing, really knows what she's doing and the session was awesome."
"Tyas is a really nice teacher. When we’re doing yoga, she corrected my position to the right pose so it would be efficient. She is also clear in giving instructions. Her voice also calmed me down. As a dancer and a rollerskater, Tyas helped me so much in yoga that benefits me in my flexibility. As a doctor, I would say that she really knows how to do it right anatomically and physiologically."
"When I first started Yoga with Tyas I knew nothing about Yoga or stretching and I was having some serious back problems and issues with mobility especially after working out at the gym. Tyas was able to take things really slow at the beginning but also keep things challenging. She knew the perfect balance in order to help me improve but not overwhelm me. The most amazing thing about Tyas is her personality. Tyas, was able to instill the confidence in me that I can do something that I thought I could never do. I know it sounds silly but I never thought I could do Yoga and after my lessons with her I knew it was a practice that I would need in my life forever."
"I started my classes with Tyas in mid-April/2022, and in just one month, I can see and feel huge changes in my body and emotions. I started practice yoga in August 2021, but it was not constant, and I didn't see much progress. So this year, I decided that I wanted to learn and make yoga part of my routine. I met Tyas while looking for a private teacher, and she has been the best choice I could have made. I have improved a lot with her. At first, she corrected me and adjusted the postures a lot, but now I can see/feel when the asana isn't correct, and she guides me in practice. The best progress has been in headstand (Sirsasana) without help or support. I remember trying to do it in our first week, and it seemed impossible, but with many exercises to strengthen the core and breathing, in 21 classes, I did it alone, and it was the best feeling in the world.

Hatha Yoga

"Tyas is very dedicated to the practice. She does it with her heart. Her classes are very fun, I always have a great time! I could spend hours saying good things about this young yoga teacher, but I think the best thing is to try a class with her and have no doubts that she is an excellent teacher and person."

Hatha Yoga

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